Our ADRS system uses state of the art technology to provide best in class solution for automated ticketing and billing system for debris management. It provides cutting edge NEMA rated in-field data collection units for efficient paper less data collection yet meeting the stringent requirements of Audit and control laid down by FEMA and other government agencies.

Debris Disposal Site Management
Completed ROW, and Per-unit point of origin transactions must be received at the approved disposal site.
Transactions are not considered complete until they are processed through the receiving applications.

Right-of-Way Debris Management
ROW transactional data is captured, stored, validated, audited, reported and transmitted.

Contract Management
ADRS provides comprehensive contract management for the client and sub-contractors. It provides
for detailed itemized rates in various units of measure.

Lines of Service Management
Create and manage different lines of service matching the evolving demands of DR operations.

Sub-Contractor Management & Truck Certification System
The ADRS system has the capability to record truck and trailer certification data. Truck certification is used to register authorized debris hauling vehicles and equipment.